
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Thinking about the Past (Part I)

              Welcome to my world of writings and poetry! I haven't posted for a couple of days, as I've been thinking about a series of poems (well, I can't even name them poems) or it's better to say some pieces of writing, as I haven't made up a name yet:) You can suggest some ideas as for the name of the genre, if you happen to read them till the end:))
             Anyway, here is the first part of the series. Hope you'll share your ideas whether it's worth reading.
Thinking about the Past (Part I)
On the vast green pillows lies the lion of a city.
Its curvy streets have not been tarnished by the man's feet.
Its shaggy trees have never been blown up by the man's hands.
Its lofty lakes have neither been drunk nor dried.
The city of glory and peace, the city of wisdom and eternity.
Elysium of a city, Dinotopia of a city, Wonderland of a city.
There are no cathedrals though. Not one.
It has lost its meaning long ago, when the kings rained and the horses drowned.
It has forfeited its origin with the absence of those who would pronounce it.
One tongued pound has never seen the blood of the latter on its flesh,
Two hearted Themis has not tried to catch the soul of each,
Three eyed monsters have never blinked to the latter,
Four legged boxes have not hidden the latter under the black,
Five headed muscles have neither forced nor allured the latter by their colorful heads.
The city is calm and independent.
It has spread its paws and mews in satisfaction.
I comb its silky hair and hear the melting air rushes under its lips –
It has fallen asleep.




  1. Interesting. The style is unknown. I would call it "prose verse">

    1. Hi, Brenda! Nice to meet you here. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll think about it.


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